EduCode™ Trial
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Limited access to content
10+ hours of content
AI code correction tool
Individuals Monthly
Reg. $24.99 / month
$19.99 / month
Billed as $19.99 USD per month
₹1,470 / month
Billed as $19.99 USD per month
Unlimited access to over 100 hours of content
Unlimited access to all content
Convenient automatic payments
100+ hours of content
Access Creative Mode
AI code correction tool
Access to real-time support
Achievements system
Quizzes and reports
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Individuals Yearly
Reg. $24.99 / month
$14.99 / month
Billed as $179.88 USD per year
₹1,103 / month
Billed as $179.88 USD per year
Unlimited access to over 100 hours of content
Unlimited access to all content
Convenient automatic payments
100+ hours of content
Access Creative Mode
AI code correction tool
Access to real-time support
Achievements system
Quizzes and reports
Cancel anytime
What people are saying
The EduCode platform is very easy to use, very dynamic and easy to understand. From the teacher's perspective, it's great to have access to all the lessons and to be able to see the progress of the students. The students loved their experience!
I really enjoy the work you put together. I had to ask the support team to help answer one of my questions, and they were super helpful!
What I really like is that students are learning a real language. The students didn't get stuck, the teacher didn't need to be an expert, because the kids would help each other.
EduCode™ teaches how to program by sticking to the fundamentals. The training videos are well scaffolded and easy to follow for any student.
I love the EduCode™ Way because it's not only hands on, but you get to work on what you're really passionate about.
I really enjoyed using EduCode last spring and think it is a quality program! Can't wait to try it with a new batch of students!